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You are on the homepage of the central electronic whistleblowing system of Woolworth Polska sp. z o.o.
We have commissioned the law firm PARK | Wirtschaftsstrafrecht., in this case Dr Tobias Eggers, to set up and operate this whistleblowing system and to act as an ombudsperson.
You can submit information via this reporting office, which is independent of instructions, if you receive information about compliance violations in connection with your professional activities or in advance of professional activities, in particular violations pursuant to Section 2 of the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG).
You can also use the Reporting Centre to submit information on human rights or environmental risks or violations of human rights or environmental obligations in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). The current version of the rules of procedure can be found here.
If you submit a report via our whistleblower system, it will be received directly and exclusively by Tobias Eggers. In this video, Tobias Eggers introduces himself and his duties as an ombudsperson.
How the system protects you:
You are on the homepage of the central electronic whistleblowing system of Woolworth Polska sp. z o.o.
We have commissioned the law firm PARK | Wirtschaftsstrafrecht., in this case Dr Tobias Eggers, to set up and operate this whistleblowing system and to act as an ombudsperson.
You can submit information via this reporting office, which is independent of instructions, if you receive information about compliance violations in connection with your professional activities or in advance of professional activities, in particular violations pursuant to Section 2 of the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG).
You can also use the Reporting Centre to submit information on human rights or environmental risks or violations of human rights or environmental obligations in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG). The current version of the rules of procedure can be found here.
If you submit a report via our whistleblower system, it will be received directly and exclusively by Tobias Eggers. In this video, Tobias Eggers introduces himself and his duties as an ombudsperson.
How the system protects you:
- The system protects the confidentiality of the identity of the persons named in § 8 HinSchG, i.e. above all that of the whistleblower.
- If you wish, your report will be recorded completely anonymously.
- All information is encrypted end-to-end so that your sensitive information is secure.
What topic do you want to report?
This reporting point applies to any offence under Section 2 HinSchG, i.e. offences that are punishable by law or are a regulatory offence. In addition, certain violations of federal or state laws and directly applicable legal acts of the EU and the European Atomic Energy Community can be reported.
Violations of the LkSG can be reported under "Human rights or environmental risks/violations".
If you cannot find your topic explicitly, please select "Violations according to § 2 HinSchG".
If your report does not fall within the scope of the HinSchG or the LkSG and another contact person is therefore responsible for your case, you will receive confidential feedback.
Externe meldpunten
De mogelijkheid om een rapport in te dienen via het rapportageplatform van Woolworth Polska sp. z o.o. sluit de mogelijkheid niet uit om een extern rapport in te dienen bij de bevoegde organen, instellingen of andere instanties van de federale overheid, de deelstaten of de Europese Unie. In het bijzonder kunnen dit zijn:
- het centrale externe meldpunt van het Federale Bureau voor Justitie (BfJ)
- het klokkenluidersysteem van de Federale Financiële Toezichthoudende Autoriteit (BaFin)
- het klokkenluidersysteem van het Bundeskartellamt (BKartA)